942 Comments for Severalls Hospital

Well I'm a published author and I've already started a medium sized story built on the idea. Soon you maybe reading your fantasy. :-)
Long Island Irish
it would be as close to heaven as i'll ever get
Lets take a walk down the hallwayyyy its along wayyy it takes all dayyyyyy
I'm a newcomer; awsome photography!! I love this site. Keep up the great work!!!
In common with most places good and bad happened here. However, there are documented events regarding the ill treatment of patients, and this did happen. There were also a large number of experiments tried out on people as well.
Slightly further down from the bars on the same side is the Operating Theatre. It's particularly freaky, even though it's empty - but maybe that's because I know what sort of operations were undertaken there...
In the earlier years at Severalls patients were often bathed one after another in the same water - to save time. Most of the baths at Severalls are in the middle of rooms, to allow nurses to bathe or assist a patient. Some baths have a lifting device at the end of them to assist patients in/out. Interestingly, many bathrooms have locks on the outside, leaving patients with (understandably) no privacy at all.
The 'door' is not a door; it's a shutter. It could be left open during the day time to allow light in and closed at night. Alternatively it could be locked shut at any time if there was any thought that a patient may try and injure themselves. Or as punishment of course. (And no, you don't get these on all British windows.)
This amazing photo should be made into a desktop background... Anyone agree? =D
Sometimes, usually after a rainstorm close to dark , the sky is this color. You know, when everything seems to be tinted with it? That's what this reminds me of. Awesome. I hope that made sense LOL!!! ;)
They tore this down?!!?? I agree this is a wonderfully charming piece of architecture. It looks friendly yet upscale. LOL!!! >sigh<
Mush also means face or mouth as in "He had a mush like a bag of chisels" or "Shut yer mush!"
We would hope.
holy cow, its hughe! amazing!