495 Comments for Eden Hall Chapel

Missed ya, nvus!

Poor, poor Motts.
you frickin rock motts
Restt in peace eden hall you will be remimbered her forever as a beautiful. Thanks to Motts and the many who where with you though out the good time the fire and saddly the very end. you will not be forgotten. thanks you all for your pictures. kim
Axle grease?? EIW!
This is where the tabernacle sp would be. where the body of Christ whould be as this is a Catholic Church .
She is so beauitful I can't stop crying that such a beatiful place that servered God and people is gone. And the skumwbag who condemed this building to death and abuses child is free to do what every he wants.
there were other fires inother buildings this was mostlys from age the candles and moistues etc. they were going to do restoration to get the building back into use.
thanks for giving us beautiful picures that will remind of before that horrable day when evil hit.
If there was something spared by the fires of mindless destruction.
Soap dispensers?
What might that be, Lynne ? ;-)
Great title! :-). Such amazingly intricate work for areas that are never really seen close-up.
Reminds me a little of a snow globe.
Wish I had just ONE of those pews!