1,315 Comments for Hellingly Hospital

It makes me upset to see such ornate beauty left to rot and deteriorate over time.
There goes the soap dispenser LOL
though I can't quite put my finger on it, this pic kinda freaks me out for some reason
*claps sarcastically*
Well done =P
Ooh, noooo! Just leave it the way it is, it looks fantastic!
Life is not but A joke Gods joke that pic. is emityness and loneyness my curse from God
that pic discrbesed my life Gods Joke Love
is four good-looking and Rich without that your
it's mentel. a real person. a prison'ers life? im like her, if she touch'ez him again. oh dont try; if you know me. it is stated, are you? are you truly looking at me? one up and shes' on it, the .A>C>F what's a foot or a sock got to do with love?
Oh I love these!
Beautiful shot. I've been looking through your galleries and have been tempted to post, but for some reason I haven't yet. Your photography has yet to make me scoff or say, "Wow, what crap." You are truly amazing!

As to the US's pathetic cigarette warning labels.. It's no wonder, seeing as how just about every other country in existence (that isn't third-world or communist) acknowledges the deadliness of cigarettes and tobacco in general, but in America we have to be nice about everything and pussyfoot around the truth so we don't accidentally offend someone who would be bothered by looking at the kind of pictures or the straight-to-the-facts statements included on Canadian and European cigarette packages. That, and tobacco companies here reign supreme. We're a generally pathetic nation.
Ahhh, the hall looks amazing. I went there with my brother on January 6th, 2008.. To have a look around the site. I found it spectacular but most of all the hall was just immense, to stand in and take in all that I was seeing. I got so many images running through my head when I stepped in there, I was overwhelmed.
That's a really neat design.
That's the most awesome photograph I've seen so far. Good Lord Almighty, it's gorgeous.
No, most shots are a few seconds long which requires a tripod.
Another awesome set Mr. Motts.

Sincere thanks for bringing it to all of us.
Awww, Go on now, it's just a furry little bunny, Right then! I'll just go cut 'es furry little 'ed off now....
Love the decay, very cool B&W shot.