Ooooh, more wallpaper!! Thank you, Motts, you're awesome!!
Oh, please tell me they didn't make patients sleep on the floor??

My instinct tells me these are just leftover mattresses tossed down indiscriminately.
Weird. My first thought was, "Is aiming really that hard for guys??"

Then my second thought was of the cleaning-up I have to do after my sons. So yeah, I guess sometimes it is.

Interesting idea, the ergonomic urinal.
Thank you so much, Motts, for the new gallery. I always enjoy it, you know that!!!
You betcha!
This one sure brings the human aspect back to this building. Not just metal and peeling paint ..
Wow - just wow!
This scene is what black and white was made for! Most awesome shot Motts. Nice to see a place that isn't completely spray painted too.
Beautiful patina on the faucets.
Wonder if they considered that color "calming". They used it a lot - I love it but I don't know if it would be good for violent patients.
No worries about re-arranging the furniture! The old cage over the light is cool too.
The color is gorgeous! I love the transoms - you just don't see them much anymore. Awesome shot.
Stunning - just stunning!
Parts look like they are not far from disintegration.
Unique for sure.