1,689 Comments for Eagle River Power Station

That is EXACTLY what I thought at first Grifspop! :0)
At first, I thought I was looking down an elevator shaft, then I realized the shot was horizontal with the crane in the background. To me, this is one of Motts' best shots to date.
Shane, my 12 year old kid is addicted to runescape, as are most of his friends, but I bet that most posters on this site are a little too old to enjoy it. (But I could be wrong).
para i agree
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I'm really astounded that the generators appear to not have been stripped for copper.
There are several pipes and valves that have been covered at one time when this was disassembled. Did they intend to put it back together? Was this after closure or the cause of the closure?
Interesting that there faceplate was removed.

I'm curious as to what precipitated the closure of this plant. Was it mere age (inefficient) or were there significant failures just around the corner. I see several places in the plant where covers to the firechests are removed, this isn't an asbestos abatement issue.

Somewhere in this building the cover to this boiler must be sitting.
Very pretty. Makes me wonder how the one in my town used to look.
i want to throw it!
did you ever get scared in the basment when you were a kid of the furnace? well immagine going down to get something you dropped down the steps here. hahahahah
it looks like a stairway to a certain doom from a robotic hell
God Damn It MOTTS you've done it again
No, it looks like a stargate