2,646 Comments for Clairvaux Tuberculosis Hospital

Nothing like a little "Hair Dryer Gossip" in a TB hospital.LOL)
Exterminate! Exterminate!
The lighting if phenomenal in this shot with the sunlight and shadows on the old stretcher.

Thank you Mr. Motts for another out of this world gallery!!
The red door is beckoning you....come in come in. I love the color!
The little round windows look like portholes.
Wow that is huge! Cool stretcher in the background. The bluish light is beautiful.
The layout of the TB hospitals was always so cool - big airy places that opened onto porches. To think that an antibiotic replaced all of this.
And peely paint!
I thought it was a hippo lol.
Such an open place. I know they were all about sun and fresh air as treatment...these places just seem different from the psychiatric hospitals.
Terrific perspective...sure adds personality to the room!
Roof is looking rough. This is one awesome shot.
The title is just perfect!
Good stuff Mr. Motts! It would probably disintegrate if it was touched.
Rekrats - you have an awesome way with words. I so enjoy reading your comments.