2,646 Comments for Clairvaux Tuberculosis Hospital

Anesthesia gas mixer
anesthesia, mixed chem/air bottles
I feel like it'd be interesting for somebody to come and gather up and catalog these. If the records are pre-HIPAA then they wouldn't be violating the law by picking them up.

I don't believe in the suppression of information unless the harm grossly outweighs the informational benefit. A lot of people assume psychiatric records ought to be destroyed so nobody can ever know about them, but think of all the people who might have had a brother/sister/mom/dad who disappeared one day with the "men in the white coats" and was never heard from again.
Re: Amberlee-N-MS (2009) above--- at one time EVERY patient had a chest x-ray before being admitted to check for TB. On Sundays, before the Monday admissions for surgery, we had them line up in the hall and just did one after another after another. We even had a machine just for chest x-rays only.
I wish someone would give me a place like this. I would do whatever I could to fix it up and live in it. It's too beautiful to let rot away. Of course, I suppose so much depends on the surrounding area and if it is crime and drug infested so maybe living here would not be safe? If that's so, I would just hoist the place up and move it to a better location. Of couse all these dreams take money unfortunately!
Kelly. . . what the hell are you talking about?
this definitely gives a somber, sad, cold and institutionalized mood...excellent
such a breath taking photo
this definitely gives a somber, sad, cold and institutionalized mood...excellent
It's a spray paint booth.
You should have dropped something to scare the bejesus out of him.
"Sheila, you need to take your morning after pill."
That belongs to a horror movie set... it becons the idiotic actress into the torture room...
Motts, is this your version of the "Axe Effect"?
we'll leave the light on for ya