433 Comments for Franklin Power Plant

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Is there a Sector 7G?! :-D
It looks like one of the turbines. very strange place for it though. Methinks someone was going to remove it, and decided against it
great angle
Hey Lynne, If you did pluck your eyes out, at least i would beat you to a "scale" pic!! ;-)
Amazing. So simple yet extremely powerfull.
Screw that, I never had the balls to go out onto those walkways
These are the coal towers. Barges would dock on either side of the peir. Huge coal buckets would be driven out along cables underneath the steel booms spanning out from either side. The buckets would then descend into the barges scooping up tons of coal at a time and then raise back up into those dark slanted shaped funnels on the side. The coal then would be automatically loaded onto the conveyer belt and on into the boiler house. The operators booths can be seen just behind the funnels . The conveyer has been removed on this tower, you can see where the roofing was just above the center passage on the ground floor.
Lemme work up my nerve...
You go first and tell us how it feels. :-)
The institution I work at is entirely heated by steam. I think it is also cooled by the same system, but I don't know how that works, it's just what I heard someone say recently. Anyone know more about how a steam plant could cool a place?
Never know 'til you try.....
This is the system of hot and cool steam and water return. The hot steam enters the turbine, exits into condensers and turns back into water. Tha water in turn is re heated, turned back into steam and the cycle starts over and over. Sorry about the know-it-all tangent but the principle of how these things operate fascinates me. It's so simple and elementary but harnessed into a scale such as this can obviously power entire neiborhoods.
Do you think they would still have any sensation once I plucked them out?

By the way, I like this picture more each time I see it. It's another one that the entire composition "fits" together somehow.
Lynne, just make sure you rinse well, or your orbs will burn.