433 Comments for Franklin Power Plant

I love how these people blaze and leave it all behind. It almost looks like they were in the middle of a meeting and then disappeared. Motts, any soap dispenser lights anywhere in the building?
Thad, didja check out THIS lonely chair shot?
oh goodie! new pics!

this one is great! i love the effects! it looks very "unreal".

thank s, MOTTS!
The Calendar idea is a cool one. Nowhere near involved as the Coffee Table book idea, it would get Motts' feet wet in the whole publishing thing.

Motts... have you considered taking pictures of the abandoned Bethlehem Steel plant in Bethlehem, PA? It's under 1.5 hours' drive from NYC, and the complex goes on and on and on... and is AMAZING. I went and took some pics myself with a friend, but we were ultimately too wussy to hop the fences. :-) Did I mention it's abandoned? (You may thank me after.)
Interesting. The old power plant gets its power from somewhere else. That means, at some point before the plant shut down, they decided to wire it to take power not from the plant itself. Yet, since the plant was making power at that time, why get it from elsewhere?

Alternately, why wire the plant up for power after it's been abandoned?
I guess that'll have to do for a Lonely Chair Shot!
It appears that the electricity is working...did the phone work too?
What exactly is growing, if you know?
Awesome pic!
Yep the ceilings are arched, it's probably for supporting all that weight over such a large open area.
Are the ceilings really slightly arched like that or is it the way that the picture was taken?
Ginsu Victim, I'm with you on the calendar idea. I'd also love to have framed prints of a few of these images for the walls of my big, dilapidated Victorian house - they're so cool and would suit the place to a T...
Another dangerous set,
another great set.

You know, I was thinking. The other day, I was looking to buy a good 2006 calendar, and I was like, "Nothing here as cool as Motts' pics"
What would be the chances of you putting together a calendar?!? Your photos MUST be displayed! I'd sure as hell order one, and I'm not alone in that.