433 Comments for Franklin Power Plant

It would be fun if you set it to 4:20
I wonder what those circular faceplates were for...
like a scene from a movie or a computer game. almost unreal.
Looks more like 9:15 to me? But what do I know, all my clocks are digital.
Looks like the sinkhole that opened up in Brooklyn today.
Reminds me of the game Water Works. Also, something that the 3 Stooges would build as plumbers.
I like how the shot appears to be in black and white and eventualy turns to color, much like what happens in the Wizard of Oz.
this picture makes me Dizzy.
Where's the computer at anyway?
Hole for the Turbine and Generator.Motts,I wish I had seen this site when I was working @ Connecticut Yankee Atomic powerhouse decommisioning.My granddad was part of the new construction back in the 60's.He has photos of the Reactor vessel going up Ct river on a barge.I worked there off and on during shutdowns ,and for maintenence.Then,the decommisioning.I have photos (I didn't take 'em,they were given to me),of the Reator Vessel going down the river on a barge.It was
eerie.Something my granddad (deseased) and dad constructed,I was now tearing down.
It isn't primary set of rotors,maybe a secondary set for powerhouse electricity.They use secondary set for slow start-up after shutdown.
Replacement Turbine rotors.Couldn't be without power for too long.
I'm guessin power washer.
You're going to tell us how to get in? Right??