The sheet adds so much to the photograph, it was once white, clean and fresh but time and abandonment has reduced it to a dirty remenant of once was.

It's not creepy, it's just what happens when something is forgotten.
agh! now i have to pee! X-<
a toilet with a push button flusher on the wall would be fun for nutcases to play with but hey, it gave the secluded patients somethin to do lol.
Actually, I think this looks pretty neat and with a good clean up and a fresh mattress, I wouldn't mind sleeping in one now.
The stuff bad dreams are made of
looks like one of those old check writing machines that embossed a check with the amount so you didn't have to write it
This looks exactly like my room in a Juvenile Detention Ctr. when I was a teenager. It was very depressing, and made staying there that much worse.
it is not sick or creepy. i have a 42 year old sister who is very handicap and her bed is just like this.. and many nursing homes and special care home use them
Does anyone else see legs falling through that hole???????
Lynne i think something is wrong with Spider girl!!!
OOOh don't you know your not supposed to be in there!
In my state (Minnesota) there is a museum dedicated to old medical history.
I don't know the name of it, but you can look it up if you like.

Intense shot.
Wasn't this for children?
Let's get serious here people! The tree is caged off so it won't run away! I mean, JEEZ am i the only who knows thing around here? :)
Has anyone ever seen the movie "The Corpse Grinders"? The title and picture just made me remember it.