Motts, was this unit a nice enameled shade of blue, green or pink? VERY popular colors from the era that this unit is from! BTW, I love how there is still paper towel in all of the holders
Actually, there are no "drills" on this unit. The piece on the very left is part of the air/water syringe, the other 2 tubings are for the handpieces that were removed. The "mini-trol" was typically an adec unit used by hygienists more than dentists,circa 1970's. It looks as though its missing its metal tray that goes on top of the unit. The switches are in the "on" position!!
no tp how odd
Looks like a bedish chairish thing....hmm, convineint!!!!
Actually, straighten out, put a mattress, blanket, and pillow on it....and maybe a little doll, and this would be a PERFECT bed for children..or hell, I'll take it!
Don't answer that question...
I'm sure the staff took care of the BABIES *ahem Allyver Sykes* very well. So, no worries. Besides, how could you do something evil to a baby?
Nice put-out Lynne! But I don't know....wait! Yes I do. But I'm just a kid....nevermind. I'll try working in a MI when I grow up. Ha.

Teacher: What do u wanna be when you grow up?
Me: A staff in a mental institute!!! XD *happy dance*
Teacher: 0.o ....wtf?
Dear lord lynne, he started EATING his arms!!!??? Holy S&&*%!!!!! I've tasted my arms but never EATEN them....never!!!
Thats incredibly madding. I'm gonna insane just trying to imagine what these paients went through!
Seriously, that comments gonna haunt me....truly, I AM sorry!!! X(
Lol, I want one! I can imagine a "sister" on there moving her hips around...lol. Kind of a cruel joke, really. Because the staff would probably just stand and laugh at how stupid the "sister" looks. Crap. I feel bad for sayin all that, sorry, really. :(
Aha! I've been looking for yellow in a hospital! I have finally succeeded one of my life goals.
I love the flooring. The tile structure looks absolutly amazing.
It's probably just rust, Heather.