Ahh yes.. but what most of them don't realize is that the combination of alcohol with any energy drink makes for a deadly cocktail. Because of elevated blood pressure and other things that the energy drinks do to the body.
Yeah, all the college kids drink it with alcohol, I just like the jolt it gives you. I used to drink esspresso all day, but I gave that up.
It is a natural high, but not the healthiest (nervous anxiety). Just watch your blood pressure, Grifspop. My nephew's BP went through the roof. But he was drinking that and gatorade, as well.
You're lucky, Twug, I have to drink 2 Red Bulls a day just to keep my natural high going.
Motts if you want to be a pink tapdancing sexy woman, go ahead as long as we get to continue looking at these pictures of yours. <3
Grifspop. It's a natural high! =)
Twug, did you just drink a Red Bull, or something?
I know a lot of people who are insane AND nice!
So, the answer is a resounding "yes"!
Motts, you can be anything you want to be, just keep the great pictures coming.
Can't I be both insane and a nice guy? ;-)
these pictures really made me thankful for all that i have...... really thought provoking... great stuff (although i may have nightmares lol)
That is so sad

Most people involuntarily sent to a psych ward, especially as a juvenile, need to be under strict surveillance for obvious reasons. To equate monitoring someone with possible suicidal tendencies with being a Peeping Tom is rather a stretch. If this happened to you recently I can understand why you are still unhappy about it. From the way you write it sounds like this was a fairly recent event. However, your parents would have been even unhappier had people not monitored you just for the sake of "preserving your dignity" if the worst had happened while the staff were being polite and looking the other way. Actually, your parents would have sued the place if something had happened when staff looked away, don't you think? *I* would if it was my relative and I was concerned about their welfare and someone turned their back and something awful happened to them.

You'll probably see this differently in about 10 to 20 years, but for now I am sure your interpretation of what happened will remain uniquely your own.
wow. you actually went in? you are either insane or extrememly brave...im going to go with brave since you seem like such a nice guy =)
Trust me. I do not eat, drink or smoke while visiting here.