1,846 Comments for Linton State Hospital

Wow I would be TERRIFIED to go in there...hope you had some company, who were alive!
I have worked in a few kitchens, I hated these things. The school I used to cook at had these kettles and we cooked spaghetti in them, you had to stir the pasta with a steel paddle, it looks just like a canoe paddle only made of steel.
Let me tell you it wasn't an easy task, especially when you are only five feet tall!
were they kitchen-aid lol
yep probably for more than one patient... we had whirlpools like that in our high school gym, very good for loosening up after february tennis matches.
Is that condensation on the inside of that light? It looks like it is, and there's what appears to be a small puddle at the bottom of the light between the glass and the chrome.
i dont get it. why is it so disturbing, these iron lungs helped ppl to survive. its amazing that technology was able to come up with these, back in the day. and u guys keep "freaking out". gawd.
can ya respond? need help doing research!
If you've touched what i've touched, we wouldn't be holding hands, babe
I don't have extensive experience with photoshop but cutting something so intricate out seems like it would be more trouble than it's worth. I think the angle of the traction machine made it look off but it looks to me like that that is all it is the odd angle.
It makes me think of a trip to the gynecologist, for some reason. The gynecologist from hell, of course.
I hate autoclaves. My boyfriend works at a veterinary clinic and he took the liberty of showing me the surgery room, which is also where they keep the autoclave (definitely not as big as these; the vet's autoclave looks like it could be portable). It really creeped me out for some reason.

I have a weak stomach anyway, so thinking about surgical instruments doesn't exactly sit well with me, but the sight of the autoclave really kind of did it for me. And they have such a distinct, sterile, almost suffocating smell to them, even when they aren't in use. *shudders*
It must've been a great workout, trying to operate one of these babies manually. Kind of like trying to drive a massive car without power steering.
Another Old Sturbridge Village sticker? Someone was a fan, apparently. The turquoise-ish one a couple pictures back had an OSV sticker on it too.
I like that the Emerson company at least made their iron lungs in pretty colors. If you're going to have to be confined to an iron lung, I think it's a nice gesture from the company to try and make it as pleasant as possible. Besides, I like the green one.
How long/tall were they? I can't imagine that people that were exceptionally tall would be able to fit inside an iron lung, unless they were able to have one specially made. Did they even do that? I mean, I'm about six feet tall (ok, I'm 5'11"), and it doesn't look like I'd fit inside that. But maybe it's one of those cases where they look bigger in person? Someone want to help me clear that up?