1,846 Comments for Linton State Hospital

This looks so much like my junior high home ec. room it's not even funny.
Swanky doors. Very art deco, like something you'd find in a hotel down on Miami Beach. Definitely not what I'd expect from a hospital. But, then again, I wouldn't expect a coffee shop from a hospital either.
I agree with Tanya, it looks a lot like a church.
Great bumper sticker. Not such a great thing to put it on, however...
If that doesn't make you claustrophobic, I don't know what will.
Wow Frank!
It must be SO great to be THAT much of a Photoshop Pro. How long has it taken you to develop such a good eye? I've been working with Photoshop in my professional life for about 8 or 9 years (since about version 3), and I NEVER would have guessed that the traction machine was layered in on top of the room. <sarcasm>Great catch </sarcasm>
Hey thanks nickazu_nickers
Thay interviewed me in another hallway. I wasn't near the lungs. The only part I was near them was at the beginning.
Motts destroyed Frank there =D
I asked Motts on a previous picture containing those jars and he said they were full of soapy stuff...as I recall...
Looks real enough to me, and I've been known to fight with lighting for most of my [amateurish] shoots (so I like to think I know what I'm talking about).
Why would I cut out a traction machine and carefully paste it into a photo? I suppose all the other shots of this machine are 'shopped in as well?

The light source was directly behind me, you can see the shadows stretching away across the floor...
Kinda reminds me of Secret Garden when the girl's cousin is in the bathtub and his nurse is pouring ice into the hot water with him in it.
One of the girls that I use to go to school with *she moved* had Polio but she only used crutches.
What happens if you get juice? can you have more than just one because its not milk?
is he using it wrong? lmao