1,846 Comments for Linton State Hospital

Debi G from Oz
I think more to it then that. I think people think to themselves "What if that was me?" I have muscular dystrophy. CMD I have gotten a lot of the same reaction "How can you sleep in that?" I think with the unknown people will keep asking the same questions. I know more about respiratory thing and iron lungs and I know most doctors and nurses would probably think that I don't. Email me @ mydisabilitytalk@hotmail.com
its very fentastic
Umm.. ok .. I am so lost on the relationship between a CP treatment wing and ppl having faux bloody diarrhea??
Soap dispencer or a small bathroom light?
this remindes me of schlinders list ( the movie)...
*laughs at Lynne and Felyne* TB doesn't sound so bad now! XD
? the cia could have fun in here?
Really? Was that a form of treatment? Damn, never wished I had TB but now... I only have one question -- are you allow to choose who you have treatment with?
At a tuberculosis sanitarium??!!??!! My goodness.
My great grandmother and my aunt used to work there and they said that the patients sometimes were forced to have sex with each other . kinda sick
I was 15 and got polio and was in an iron lung at night. I had leg braces and wore them in the lung. They kept my legs straight and prevented distortions. After a year I was weaned from the lung.
i'll have nightmares......this face is sooooo scary...
could someone hold my hand please?
Yuk, I hate insects!!!!
Could this have been a large, round fireplace? Seen them in hotels, resorts, etc.
Did anyone actually get better and got out of this chambers, or is this something that prolongs your life but you die anyway?