657 Comments for The Enchanted Forest

It's like how a real castle would crumble away.
I can almost imagine some large reptillian monster living in the structure gliding out through the water to devour an unwary swimmer.
Now this one I love!This place probably looks more like the actual fairy tales now than it did when it was open.
The way that cheesy blockwork is lit is almost surreal!
What a captivating image. The haze served you well on this visit Motts. Beautiful!
This one tells a story. The beauty of childhood innocence growing into teenage nonsense.
Now those colors are brilliant. Eerie neon.
Very nice. Hazy greys and bright greens. Wonderful composition!
I used to go in the early 80's. I think I peed in one of the castles. lol. I remember being scared of the water ride. the water was so scary at the age of 5. I remember so much. If you need info. Julie980@aol.com.....e-mail..
Actually, the water drop gives the picture character, like something out of a clasic horror movie or The Blaire Witch Project..
I took my daughter to this fun place when she was five...it's sad to see it so defunct...but time moves on and the gentler time this play place represented is long gone.
BTW...that daughter is Tara who posted here 6/15/05.
I remember going to the Enchanted Forest when I was little...

The place was neat and fun when I was five. With these photos, now the place scares me! :-)

Good photography. I'm glad you were able to take the pictures. Thank you for sharing this.
Motts, it was boring because you didn't have the actor they hired to play the witch hovering over you, pretending she was going to kill, cook, and eat you. ;-)
creepy, and fucked up--love it! Motts, you might've disliked it, but fog simply owns!
Motts, this is SUCH a surreal shot! awesome, awesome, awesome....