1,337 Comments for Middletown State Hospital

That white spot in the back looks like someone is standing there with a mask.
Maybe they held people behind there?
...and the DOORS: TWO Hinges!
Dark Dark (Spiritually) Place , This Was Also.
I've Been In The places, too, Tryng To Get Help With Extraordinary Conditions(They Didn't!) So Spoken from Reality Experience Also.
I'm An Empath,.. & Can See & Feel What It Was like there back Then, & it Isn't Warm & Cuddly & Humanly Valued.
Quite Fancy Coffin For an Asylum Resident, which I though Society Viewed As Lowest Form Of Society.
This is a wonderful website! I enjoy looking at all the pictures and reading about the history of these abandoned/demolished beauties. Thank you for posting and sharing your experiences here!
Amazing find!
..is that really a formidable little round light fixture hanging on up there? Awesome
Net Transom.
some have....some have not....weird event....
No doors...only hinges. Best part: we will never know how/why! FTW pondering.!
Incredible is just the firs word
-The Old picture; bedded down patients sick, uniformed nurse at attention, could not possibly have had a violent behavior in a room furnished like that. Impossible! Beds are close together so it IS crowded - but fierce & furious: no. It actually looks cozy how the curtain is drawn to block out bright light.
you have to share this location!! :) I have some good ones too! :)))
This is a phenomenal shot! I LOVE it!