1,337 Comments for Middletown State Hospital

how gruesome
Must have been a pain to remove the steps while leaving the cage in the center intact. Strange.......
Yeah, it is. People got sent there to be out of sight & out of mind, to the very end.
Perfect title for this, with the fall-out shelter sign & the fact the ceiling is doing just that.
I agree, Toot, on both the gallery & the wallpaper too.
Toilet humor, Motts? I thought you were above such.
The only thing radiating from this thing anymore is decay.
What a nice mural, it is a shame it is not being enjoyed anymore. I wonder what that room is behind the wall it is painted on. Motts, did you look inside it?
The years this frame sat in that room, waiting on a mattress to be placed back on it & for a patient to sleep on it again, only to sit there & rust away as it has.
I am surprised it was left here, seems like something another "explorer" would take with them.
Great title, as it is just. Barely so.
I wonder what was stored here at one point? The enclosed sections on the top of the shelving unit are odd. Must've held something more important.
You are not kidding, it is rusting & rotting away. Death from exposure is fitting here.
Thanks for the wallpaper!

And thanks for the trip! Awesome gallery.
I guess vanished! Ceiling isn't looking too good either. I don't think I would have been able to make myself get this close...