1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

If it was the nurse unit managers office the stains on the wall were probably from spitting at the administrator after he/she left the room...
HUZZAH for Lynne....
If I didn't have issues before going into this room, I sure would be crazy when I came out...... mainly just because of that aweful yellow.
I love that insight Paul.
Most of the medical records are, to my knowledge, still sitting inside of the asylum. I imagine you could try contacting the Buffalo Psychiatric Center, since, as next of kin, I think you would be legally entitled to view her records, although, granted, its quite possible that nothing short of a court order will get them to go into that building and retrieve those files.
Actually, from what I've heard, there is not a single firsthand account of anything close to paranormal happening in that building. Just third hand things and such which amount to little more than urban legends.
It feels to me as if I'm being drawn into another world, something strange and alien. The lighting is something else... Fantastic shot...
Such a quiet shot, but brooding... like the calm before the storm
Yep, stamped tin I believe...
yes even in a new facility the colors are of the time- meaning that what "now" says the most calm colors are- like blue...even in the military the training areas for soldiers have been painted a light blue- imagine that
there are no many places for mentally ill patients- even the brief care treatments are being threatned to be shut down- amazing enough there is no public out cry for all who go untreated and left to harm themselves do to the law in us that if you are not a threat to the others or yourself you do not need help. One cop told me as my mom was delusional and not on her meds- that crazy isn't against any law- I do feel that these places were not great but much better then what we have now i.e nothing
Question: Does anyone think that seculsion rooms are still necessary? There has been alot of evidence based practice on the use of seclusion rooms over in the UK, and the concensus over there is that other measures can and are being utilized to reduce the amount if not elimate the using of seclusion rooms. Any comments on what other measures can be done to eliminate the use of seclusion rooms here in North America?
Owwwch! I'm feeling like this creepy tight salmony hall is squishing my head! Need to move along now...
Hey, are those metal ceiling tiles?