I have just read an article on the internet about (thorazine). As a result i am
now too scared to take any more and am twice
as paranoid as i was before i started. You just can't win can you. I am requesting a consultation with my Psychiatrist to change
to a more modern neuroleptic as they are more selective so i'm told. it's a tricky dilemma
to be in actually.
My Psychiatrist has recently put "me" on Chlorpromazine (thorazine) and it was through looking it up on the internet that i found this site. very interesting yet slightly disturbing. I was worried about the apparent and very real risk of developing Tardive Dyskenesia but was assured by my doc that the "small dose
of 100 mg daily " was nothing compared with the massive doses given out inthe 50's of up to 700mg daily .
Any comments welcome.
There is a resturant which has a safe like this here in Golden, CO. I think it was an old bank bldg. Needless to say they built around it; you cant possibly move these things, they weigh tons, but anyway, they let people take cjances at trying to open it ans whoever does supposedly can keep what's inside! I doublt if someone found a wealth of historical info, old money, or whatever that promise would all chnage.....still, that's what they say. Of course it hasn't been opened since the turn of the century or earlier, but if anything IS inside I think it would be amazingly intresting no matter how "mundane". And, yes, I am sure they could "bust" it open, but the point of it still being there after all these years is it's intricate beauty - no one in their right mind would damage it, or if they did, I would call it a real crime, wether you "owned" the place or not.