1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

Are you talking about ww.hauntedfilm.com? I don't have a credit card, so I've never gotten around to watching the video, but the little clips they show of supposed paranormal activity don't look like much more than stray spots on the lens.
I LOVE those windows.
would make a beautiful university
very powerfull looking
Has anyone ever spent time in seclusion? what was the experiance like? how did you feel? how long were you in seclusion? how were you treated?
there's a cross painted on the woodwork, how ironic...
'they call me mellow yellow' :D
the room looks very rather sque-wiff was it really like that or was it your melifluous camarera??
i like it how, if you scroll up and down the photograph, its like an 'optical illusion'
Alex J man, I hate to say this but your kind of wrong. I heard some people were going to make a documentary on this place. When they got there, all this paranormal stuff started to happen. You can read about it and watch it on this website.

Just do a simple GOOGLE search. Just type in Haunted Buffalo Asylum Video. If you get to the website you'll read some info and you can watch the video for a cheap price.
I went to college at Buffalo State College in the early 90's. Buff State is directly adjacent to the "psych center" Our fraternity used the psych center grounds to conduct a lot of their initiation rituals. A very spooky place ndeed.
Looks like the vestry door...where's the vicar?
The perspective here is awesome. The height of the ceiling vs the narrowness of the hall. Makes you dizzy. Looks like where they'd stash the staff, really. We always get the arse end of the building and offices the size of the john.
What a magnificent name for an asylum. Gravesend. Almost as good as Hellingsley Asylum. Wouldn't you think someone would have a wee think about that before they hung the shingle out? Bless them...
actually, I'm struck by the modernity (did I just make up a word?) of the chair and the intact paint job on the walls.