16 Comments Posted by interstellar-moonbeam

Any particular reason why you chose door 29?
Eddie...It's the dark shape in the corner, probably doesn't look like a person to yooh...
there's a cross painted on the woodwork, how ironic...
'they call me mellow yellow' :D
the room looks very rather sque-wiff was it really like that or was it your melifluous camarera??
i like it how, if you scroll up and down the photograph, its like an 'optical illusion'
Freddy Kreuger-aaaaargh!
It looks like there's a mini person with a hat on and a scarf standing in the left corner...
Mr Motts, i have a query...are those steps to the left of the window??
i'd rather sit and watch this tv the way it is now than when it worked propely anyway...
i see it, side on right?
well spotted!
strange how there's a broken chair, suggests that maybe the patient got very stressed out and through it against the wall...
i just noticed something...i can spot a table in the far left...i think theres some inbreeding going on...
i feel sorry for the chair thats left-out
poor chair :(