1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

Very Engaging Photo!
i have been in the forest st hosp in 2000 me and my buddy alan were walking up the front steps aqnd met some kids wearing older clothes and thiought it was a costume or something the said that they would show us the place if we were up for it walked the place oh man .. rocking chairs empty, rocking.. doors trying to close but the frame doesnt quite fit anymore talking crying and thats just on the first floor basement found a room with a very small door and went inside coundnt see anything i got cut on the pins in the walls from chains there were strips with spikes about 2 and a half feet long there was a tunnel from the basement that went to the burnt wing of the building and i swear there was a matinence guy in front of me i blinked and he was gone scared the crap out of me but i must say the towers are killer the one i coudnt find a way up but the left one there was a ladder i went up the veiw was breathtaking anywas the best part of the story is that when i got outside john and carter the guys on the front steps were gone they were right behind us and then gone true story and as far as i know buff state bought the building and is turning part of it into classrooms for the new exspansion plans this coming spring
Id sure love to see the inside of this building. The outside is so awesome. Im glad they are saving it
I was inside this place in 2002, there was a huge hole in the side of the building that you could climb up into. From there you could either go right which led downstairs or left which went to the hospital type rooms. We decided to go into the basement which is a series of tunnels. Nothing really supernatural happend except some chairs falling when we were heading back up. There was a homeless person living in the building adjacent to the asylum but said they dont go in there.
thx Motts, they were great as usual!!
i wonder what they used to keep in there?
that looks lovely
hey spok, i thought the same thing, two great minds.......
better then the pink i think!!
holy shit those are huge!
no wonder the patients from the previous ward were vilent, the ward was so dark and dreary:(
loos like an old suction devise of some sort. (maybe) lol
i would hate to walk down that hallway!! that would really suck
In the facility that I work in, rarely is someone "chemically" restrained. You can't even put someone in a wheelchair by a table because the table can be considered a restraint. Chemical, mechanical, or hands-on restraint is used sparingly and only to prevent injury. In fact, the resident has more rights than the staff do.
I totally agree with you Chris!