1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

It looks like the entranceway to hell.
I seriously just got the chills and picked my feet up off the ground.

The lighitng makes it spooky.
My bedroom is painted this green color. The people who lived here before must have liked it.
My mother, a Holocaust and Dresden fire-bombing survivor and German war bride, had troubles coping w/us 6 kids, her war memories and culture shock. Instead of some gentle kindness and guidance that she needed, she was forcibly taken away (around 1963), given shock therapy, and locked in a state mental hospital for a year or two. She came out like a zombie, with a far-away dazed look, memory loss and devastating, to her, diagnosis of "crazy". She continued on the Thorazine for decades, occasionally rebelling by refusing to take it. I spoke up, asking why can't she at least just get to try to live w/o it? I now take care of her, and try to find out what I can re. long-term effects of Thorazine, which seems to be kept hidden. She is permanently damaged; on Seroquel now after being kicked out of a psychiatric ward (they couldn't handle her!).
Absolutely amazing shot.
I would love very much to have this my background....
im tryin to get into it sometime next weekend but im not sure how tight the security is. i noticed today that a squad car drives by it every half hour and theres atleast 2 men on foot at all times. but thats just an observation. and the only real entrance without being noticed is to climn over about a 20 foot fence surronded by wood. or break down a wooden door if you could put it back up quickly.
A shiver just went right down my spine... No sleep tonight ;)
And by all, I mean people.
I can see them all, about five of them in the middle of the room, and one in the arch.

Might get my mum to have a look on this site, she sees things in photographs too.
I find yellow very calming... My driving instructor always tells me that I drive a bit like a maniac, so I tend to wear something yellow when I go for my lessons.

Yes, I am strange, but it helps me!
Ooh, how strange... I really like this one.

The colours used on the walls in this hospital aren't very calming either, I've noticed.
To "a psyche nurse" about stopping the use of seclusion rooms. I don't know if it's a real problem that they even use them, but i'm not saying that I am against using then. I'm not entirely clear on what they're used for because when I was in psyche hospital I never had to go in one. But I know I might of injoyed it a little considering the room mates I had...
That's a pretty good guess - a drop ceiling with asbestos tiles that were removed.
Do you think that there were lowered ceilings at one point? Would that be why the paint only goes so far up the walls?