1,830 Comments for Buffalo State Hospital

So I want to visit this place next weekend. I like buildings and these kinds of things. I am going to take lots of pictures :)
thumb twiddling time
fuck its gone shit what happened to that person that was with me
prick you were supposed to keep me company
id like to see a fat person run down that hall way
yeah ahe people who think its a joke to be in a place like this deserves to be in the mental hospital see how they think its a big joke then
who ever thinks this shiys funny fuck you
people who had mental illness back in those days were treated like the jews in the nazi times like shit ect treatment lobotomys and caged up to keep away from society in which made them more mad. not a joke really is it if only pople who laugh at this could really taste it for them selves then would they be laughing
OMG that is spectacular. I hope that before this building meets the wrecking ball, that someone can salvage this bannister. Better to see it in someones home or business than to have it destroyed.
I love this building so much I even go to meeting on the restoration of the building. I thing for sure is it massively huge
My great-grandmother (originally from Ireland) was am inmate here from 1903 until 1912. She never made it out- died of tuberculosis at age 53. She was committed by her husband right after she had his 6th child at age 44. She was apparently violent and dangerous, heard voices, and had delusions (equivalent of today's paranoid schizophrenia).
I wonder where they buried her? Does anyone know if they have a patient graveyard there?
All aboard! It reminds me a boat.
I am a morbid soul...I see the drips on the left wall. Looks like blood.
I didn't even notice the color. My eye was drawn to the heart in the right corner.
Working in modern day nursing homes and hospitals--I would think that this machine was a suctioning machine for when people are choking----there would have been another rubber hose at the end which was inserted in the mouth to clear the throat passages of food, or whatever was obstructing the airway.
That copper roof is worth a fortune.
I think you’ve made some truly interesting points. Not too many people would actually think about this the way you just did. I’m really impressed that there so much about this subject that’s been uncovered and you did it so well, with so much class. Good one you, man! Really great stuff here.
very nice picture
that they would leave a place like this to rot