72 Comments Posted by Angela

If you look up to the ceiling on the right it appears there is a hole in the ceiling that is allowing light to shine down on whatever that mound is on the pile of bricks. Intriguing photo.
Im new here, love this site but I have to ask, what is with the soap dispenser comments? Please enlighten me!
Does anyone here know what happened to the patient records from Taunton State Hospital? I just recently found out that my great-great grandmother died there and would love to try and get her records. Any help is greatly appreciated.
I watched this documentary and walked away feeling conflicted. One can understand why some families of those who were subjected to a lobotomy were grateful. It was the only way to keep those family members at home. However, the doctor's ego seems to have taken over, with drastic results. Unfortunately, our modern day solutions to mental illness (close the hospitals, send the patients out to the streets), don't seem to be any more effective or enlightened.
Ephemera: The Lobotomist
This place was amazing... I have fond memories of dinners there in the late 70's. Awesome pics!
This is Scary! i can picture a shodow appearing on the right side where the blue light hits!! Good thing im at work and not home alone :)
This is so scary! it would seem like a never ending tunnel! u only have one way to run.. u know??
OMG! i would of so totalyy jus ran in the room and fallen through! i dont watch my step
I have seen other pics to the place is huge
I really would like to go can somebody tell me the address i love this kind of stuff.
Jude--I think you're seeing an optical illusion. I believe its just the wall showing through ornate cut outs of the beams. But I've been wrong before. ;)

This is absolutely breathtaking. I kind of want to freeze this in time and then defrost it when I get married, and have my wedding here, as is. Sometimes I wish we live in a black/white world. hmmmmm.
And love is all we need Ron.
Not only is the building amazing, the foliage is wonderful. You are truly a master.
wow. you are amazing. I love how you obviously look at every little detail of the shot, even catching your own reflection in the mirror along with some nice lighting. Marvelous.
It seems like you could look out each individual pane and see something completely different.