576 Comments for Haverford State Hospital

I was lucky to find your www.opacity.us blog. I'm so amazed by your way of thinking and writing. Have you thought about writing a book?
It says "Say Aaaah!" with a very big mouth :)
hey i was a patient at this place for 2 weeks when i was 14 yrs old
Rare to find a place that isn't completely ransacked or looks broken down. Most everything's in pretty nice shape. <Darth> Impressive. </Darth>
THAT'S A BIG AUTOCLAVE! I wonder what it would be like to be put inside it and it get turned on, What a horrible way to get murdered huh? I know that's kinda dark of me but what do you expect, I'm thinking about house on haunted hill AND listening to it's soundtrack WHILE looking at these pics...
cue theme music... Cool shot. It reminds me of one of the mental health centers I was in.
Fantastic shot. I especially like that everything else is out of focus so you concentrate on the subjet matter. I swear I saw this movie that started out with a closeup of a wasp or a bee.
As a former psychiatric patient I don't like the term "mental". Now I'll get off my high horse anfd comment on the photo. I would think that your eyes would start to hurt after staring at those blocks after a while.
Interesting photo. I suspect it was either other explorers or kids playing a joke. Those caution/police line tapes are not all that expensive.
So far i haven't reached anyone but i would love too. Yes i have lived an interesting life. The time at haverford was only a tiny part of a strange life that i somehow survived and am still surviving.

PS: If you email me put "haverford state" in subject line so it doesn't get deleted

oh here is some more of my story below talking about a old mall that was torn down. it was called the B A Z Z A R

I remember the early yrs from 63 to 71. I was 8 in 63 and had gone there a lot with my older brother and then neail gallagher. We use to climb in and out of the clothes shelves in many stores. They had those sliding doors and we would stick our hands out and touch people and they would freak out and then we would climb over thru them into others and the people couldn't find us. We laughed so much doing that. It was like our favorite thing to do and it gave us a interesting view of the soon to be released clothes that wasn't yet up on top of the cabinets.
Neil and Billy and Jody keen and me and john masters would also roam the tunnels under the bazzar that would go up under the parking lot and acrodd thru to baltimore pike to the creek. When it rained hard we would jump in the creek furthewr up in westbrook park and ride down to the tunnel crossing before it would go under the baltimore pike and under the parking lot or else we would drown. So we had to jump out real soon before that tunnel. that was scary but fun. I would grap a tree limb behind Jody's house which was just about 20 houses left until the tunnel would come up. I later built a raft and floated the creek that went under bishop ave by holy cross. I loved those wild days. I also was kinda daring because when i was 8 i was at the "candy bar" on baltimore pike where the dunkin donuts is next to springfield ford now which use to be a field for the circus. well there was a family from maryland who i tricked into giving me a ride to maryland. I told them my parents forgot me because i had 6 other brothers and sisters which i did. When we got to maryland going down the old baltimore pike in 1963 they asked me where i lived and i said i actually lived in Pa which i did right behind the candy bar. I then gave them my phone number and they called my mom and she told them to drop me off at a 2nd cousins home and so i stayed there a week until my dad came to get me. that was the greatest time i had. It was like a vacation for me which we never had. I also remember neal putting a piece of paper under kennedys foot to get his foot print at a gathering at the bazzar. We were small kids at the time.. Neal also got the first ticket to the new movie theatre next to the bazzar when it opened. Billy got number 2 and i had number 3.
I also remember those half doors at the mens room and that man who would hang out there.. Yes it happened back then too strange men who tried to mess with us kids.. reminds me of sister mary sarah who messed with me at holy cross in the basement of the convent. yukkk Yes the bazzar was where i hung out during my early yrs and then i left home as a runaway on 14 yrs old and traveled the usa before the interstates were created. Thankfully i got out of there because many of my friends suffered at the hands of hard drugs etc etc and well i survived those tough years. Neal went to alaska and i went to calif. We both survived the influences of the Bazzar with all those who did hard drugs and huffed spar var and drank romalar cough syrup etc etc etc
Yes the bazzar was fun as a small child but as we got older it became a crazy place with many who were like small gangsters who talked about going to jail and about a shootout with guns on top of the west brook park bowling lanes in the late 50's and well i didn't want to fall into that lifestyle so i knew i had to get away before i too got sucked in to the gangster mentality.. i also knew to stay away from cities as i hitchiked the USA and lived in salvation armys at peoples homes in their guest rooms or under bridges wrapped up in a roll of plastic.. yes my wild life stories continued and still continue but alas i survive and survive and survive .. life has been very very B A Z Z A R

Oh yea we also used an old wallet with fishing line and would drop it in the hallway and stand in a store out of sight and when some person would reach for it we would pull it and run and laugh all the way around the bazzar.. roflmao
I love it! These shots are so intriguing, very different, very cool.
glad to see its not vandalized =)
Very ghostly shot indeed. Is the speckle material on the floor cloth or metal?
hahahahah! are you for real Daniel??? Rewind a little, you said it yourself
'in hospitals in movies'
and you are telling me that on the 'news' they actually FILM live footage of people committing suicide? Hmm? Just for our entertainment would you say?