While this is an oddly angled shot down a hallway, the perspective here works in order to show one side of a rather monotonous hallway if it were kept dead center or dead straight. Really good job.
This reminds me for some strange reason of Horror High, a cult classic that is really a good clunker horror movie.
Motts, dude, I really like your hallway shots. They really have like this perfect symmetrical perspective that is really cool. Thing is, you keep it dead straight or dead center right down the hallway, not angled or some other type deal. Makes it more cool, more to see, and more stuff for the mind's eye to really work with (which sometimes isn't good).
Looks like time has gone still in this shot. As if the inhabitiants (nurses, patients, doctors) just vanished one night into thin air and left this hallway junction this way. Not saying rapture, but just like went bye-bye...
Very interesting shot. Reminds me of something extremely unrelated, possibly irrelevant, but do I care? Probably not. A long time ago I managed to break a good sized chunk of that type safety flass. Took plenty of whacks with rocks, but got the job done.
No, not this location or any abandoned place. It was an elementary school. Many moons ago. Got nailed too. Did it in broad daylight.
Good shot though Motts. Like the hole in the glass up close. Kinda like a surreal warning if you stayed there...or something like that.
Really good shot, Motts. Looks a bit like a post apocalyptic nightmarish world, liek an area that was way far off when the Hell Bomb fell, but was killed by the radiation uppage and fallout.
I would also venture to say it looks dystopic as well. Reminiscent of a world gone bonkers and control is everywhere...almost 1984 like.
Wow... Nice shot. I wonder if the spirits do any bowling there... Reminds me also of a scene in a classic Sci-Fi movie to which the title escapes me for the moment. Cool, very cool shot indeed...
Zombie Bowling!!! I bet the zombies go bowling here... Or not. It would rip their arms straight off.
DUUUDE... I bow before your photographic supremacy!!! If only I could fabricate a largish (somewhat garish) crown made from platinum encrusted with all sorts of precious stones, capped with an exact replica of the camera you used fabricated also from platinum and placed it on your head.
That is a masterfully excellent and very surreal shot! Wow... Really excellently done! Looks like there is some sort of interdimensional portal manifesting itself in that room! Would be a bit of an interesting article (no matter how simple it was) on how that was done... A true masterstroke of genius!
Very cool shot Motts. Very cool indeed... A little gross, but hey, if you were an insect and got inside that place, that would be your fate. Now if only they could learn from this... Um...just now thought of that classic movie Phase IV... Would like to see that in totality actually.
Ok, this is another interesting shot, albeit one probably will need to be whacked out on Acid to really (and I do mean REALLY) understand the exact reason behind the existence of this room or pattern, but man, I think I would be more clinically insane than I am right now if I had to stay in there more than an hour or so. Nightmare City too... The things my subconscious would latch onto just looking at that for over an hour... Now I probably will NOT go to sleep. LOL
Y'know, It could be that there were mutant frozen hot dogs in there and they decided to have a merry old time of things when some poor chap got fooled, took them out, defrosted them and got attacked. Or maybe the power went out, temperature rose and then the attacks happen... Ok, ok ok. Yes, it is a Regular Show reference (sort of) but I just could not resist. Really cool and excellent shot though. Those type of doors you see on walk-in freezers and the like are really cool. Kinda reminds me of Bank Vault doors or even doors protecting nuclear underground bunkers and the like. Motts, my man, another classic award-winning shot!
I would not say that EVERY patient was tortured in every single institution, nor did every patient die in their confinement; Some were put into group homes or were able to be 'rehabiliated' or the like through some point in life.
Though abuse was prevalent in these places, many people who have worked in them ( and also many people on this site can attest as they were nurses or aides) that many truly DID care about those they were taking care of. Some tried to report abuse, many befriended and mothered patients under their supervision.
Most things have two sides, plenty of stories, good and bad. We must learn from BOTH.
This reminds me for some strange reason of Horror High, a cult classic that is really a good clunker horror movie.