4,537 Comments for Pennhurst State School

or wasp?
they cant hide the truth them bastards......i will go in der and look and see wat it reall is in the {store} where they went and never returned.....LEAVE THIS PLACE BEE
this is the home of all slaughter places they reped killed and burned their patients.....this place should be left alone so the damaged souls can rest
yeah coz thats normal.... not something you see everyday
wow it looks like thare is a ghost there... even though i dont believe in ghosts... great pic though
i wonder why on wheelchairs they decided to put the smaller wheel at the front because in all of these old pictures where you see a wheelchair the small wheel is at the back and the big one at the front ... ???
Dude, this picture is the best out of the whole set. I really love that building, it has to be the best on the property.
what type of sadistic child draws a picture of a alligator eating a deer
The army national guard does not own the majority they are there to keep trespassers out , due to asbestos poisoning I know this because a freind of mine knows who bought the property to keep it from being torn down. by the state. (this would be a great univesity)
I think it is bigger than Kutztown U.
Thanks Krista, I had the same thought as you about the first post.

To me, this looks like a nice comfortable chair to sit in with a coffee on a side table and perhaps a good book.

Or maybe it's just getting too close to break time!
What does 'depressing' smell like, I wonder....
I've never heard of a hospital that would turn away a convulsing patient because they didn't know what to do...

Anyhow, great pics as usual Motts!
I work in this field and reading Lynn's rants is teaching me thanks Lynn
(Well restrained, Lynne ;)

This one really stumped me; I like a mystery. So I asked someone I know who was in the care sector and is now a qualified buildings surveyor. He reckons that they're individual toilet stalls. Small hole at the top for the inlet, bigger hole below for the outlet. The presence of a second hole in each of the stalls suggests that the toilets were changed at some time. The far right stall is patched up, hinting that it was removed (possibly because of breakage).

The galvanised space at the back would've protected the pipes from the damage (and from causing damage, too), and it would also have had a hinged lid that would allow access for maintenance.

Well, it sounded convincing to me...!
the devils says hi!