4,537 Comments for Pennhurst State School

Motts, you're insane if you didn't wear a mask in this place--there must have been a swirling cloud of particulates everywhere you walked...
just a shot of the shade alone would be great too...
yes!--really dig the perspective on this one...
any close-ups of these arcades?
Motts, did you do manual focus for this one...(and is the Rebel up and running again? I ask because i just got the 50mm f/1.8 lens for it and am really happy in low-light situations like in this shot.)
i really dig how the composition of the shot is kind of half sky/half alley, but the walkways cut out the sky a bit. something very british about this shot...
I saw these same cards! I flipped one over, on the back it had a kind of magnetic strip and was stamped "hearing and speech department." I wonder what kind of machine they accompanied.