4,537 Comments for Pennhurst State School

The picture is strange...I'm not sure if I would want to visit Pennhurst, maybe just get a closer look at it...like walk around in the bushes and hide ya know?
and thick...::winks::
This is scary. Just looking at the windows makes me believe that someone is staring out of them in the darkness. It's giving me a scary feeling...::gets chills::
I love this picture. It shows the emptiness of the place with the leaves just settled there.
Sande...how many times have you been there? Mind taking me with you? Email me: liteoffantasy@aol.com
I would hate to think that I would have to be watched while I bathed. It's kind of eeky and very sad what happened at Pennhurst. Beautiful buildings, but the place is haunted with sad memories, and dreadful sufferings.
Perhaps there's more of a supernatural force at work here. Spirits of those that have long since been forgotten at Pennhurst, the souls that died there. They could very much have a part in what goes on inside those walls, especially the lights flickering.
Just by looking at this picture makes me think of how many souls could be traveling the corridors of Pennhurst. How many that died there could still actually be there, because they had no where else to go.
This is my first time looking around on this site, but this picture is intriguing me. I'm sitting here wondering what it was like to be in there all those years ago, to have no true connection with the outside world...it's sad...
Sande...I live about a half an hour away from this place...I haven't heard that many stories...all I heard was that when they closed the place down that all the patients were let go and now living in the neighboring city (starts with a P)
I wouldn't want to go up those stairs at all. That big splotch of brown there, where the holes are, looks like someone is standing at the top of the steps almost...it's probably my imagination, but those steps are creeping me out...
I absolutely LOVE the contrast of this photo. Look out there's those black dots just inside the arch. Shows out much this building is deterioting. (spelling on that word?)
Sande...how in the world did you get into Pennhurst? I know of one way, but I don't want to disclose it here...email me: Liteoffantasy@aol.com
There's nothing like Pennsylvania in the winter...especially at a "medical" institution.
I heard that Pennhurst caught fire once...maybe this is one of those rooms that got caught on fire?