4,537 Comments for Pennhurst State School

i love the shadows on the roof tops
I went to that page to see if he gave his perfectly logical mundane explanation.... nothing yet... Perhaps there is no perfectly logical munane explanation?
Looks like 2 alien faces in each window...
I would go op those steps shadow or no shadow.. I can't wait to explore there!
I wondered that too ...... Looking at it from an art prespective, it is an interesting picture.... but extremely out of place in Pennhurst, who thought to put this in a Mental Hospital and what exactly was it supposed to represent?
It's strange to have this chart in a place like Pennhurst as I doubt there were many births here. Since it was in an xray room I assume it had something to do growth plates, but again.... what was this chart doing in Pennhurst??
I'm wondering why this place is still standing....
Cool Earl,
You went at night? I would think it would be easier to get caught at night while using a flashlight... making you easier to be seen.
Kate, wow, you're right.... I never thought of that until you said it.
Those poor kids. Its already a bad place, and then to be miss treated on top of that. DISTURBING!!!
I Think this poster was made by a group of children and that is why the writing does not match. Most of the sheep do not match either. Nor the writing inside the sheep.
That one is "merely" high up on the wall. :-) We have one at work in one of the oldest buildings (1914, I think) that is actually on the ceiling, but built into it as part of the original design. It's a rarity on campus, but it is really cool. The first time I saw it I had to haul every one from the exploring party with me into the room to point it out. I am working on the history of the place and I'll see if I can find out why they built it that way. I'll also ask our safety director and the head of building & grounds. However, I am going to bet that you are right on this particular radiator and that safety was the issue. It would be a lot easier to have it up high than to worry about placing a protective screen over it, but it is quite odd.
I know that the radiator should be non-accessable to patients because they may easily burn themselves, but it does seem odd that its on the celing *scratches head*
And lets not forget the Raidator on the Cieling (top right) odd placement.... I understand safety may be the reason... but doesnt heat rise? Pennhurst has some major oddities going on. Thank you Lynne for explaining some of them, but there are some things at Pennhurst that defy explanation....
You're not surprised? That's a little depressing, actually.