i finally got to pennhurst for the first time today. im looking at my comments from 2 years ago and im amazed. it was the best trip of my life. im going back next week=]
beryl is the name of a former patient at pennhurst. i dont believe it was that popular of a name, so its my assumption that theyre some sort of patient locker. im not sure.
my grandmothers both worked here in the 60's and 70's. I would visit alot. The place was immaculate, clean, smelled nice, people were great to the patients. My grandmothers loved those people and took really good care of them. They would cry when they lost one. Those tunnels are for walking in during bad weather. They have nothing to do with dead patients. That is not true. I don't know you are getting your infomration but take it from someone who spent alot of time there, clean, well taken care of, and nice place.
pennhurst is the kind of thing when you're there you think "there couldn't be ghosts here...ghosts/spirits aren't real" but at the same time, you feel a presence nearby...and part of the reason you think about ghosts/spirits being unreal is because inside you still think they are real...reality is sort of blurry until a while after you leave.....by the way anyone know much about kinsey's (not sure about the spelling )old distilleries? I've been back there sooo many times in every building...i live near there
I went to there on friday night, DO NOT GO INTO PENN HALL, My friend that I was with and got deamonic possesed, She claimed that she was living as a patient in room 121. She was being abused by a doctor, that would abuse patients, Then the doctor would dipose the bodies in the white shed. I dont know how true of what she was saying is, Yes I was SCARED she fainted near the power plant, we took her to the sunoco to have some OJ, any thing that had surgar in it, the next 48 hours, was the worst thing ever in my life. She started convulsing in teh back seat, she then stood say up and spoke a weird dialoque, it sounded like broken latin. ( many of you that is reading this think I might be some bullshitter, but I am not) We took her to the pottstown hospital thinking that mabey she was low on surgar, She started to convulse in teh waiting room and saying santanic messges liek I will kill you. (anyone that know anyone at the Pottstown hospital, ask about the 5 people that entered around 2:00 in the morning) The one nurse at the hospital was terrified, did not know what to do and told us that she will be alright, Leaving the hospital she claim the a figure in a blue gown was chasing her in teh car, the same figure she seen in Penn Hall, The next 48 hours was a nightmare, She would be find that she would snap into shaking and convulsing and like growling like a dog. In the morning we tried looking for a roman catholic church, sinec they were close we went to a baptist church at our last hope, Now the baptist have different believes about deamon, so the pastor only said a prayer, As holding our hand in a circle the prayer to god pissed the deamon in her off. As soon as we walk in to the elavator you could tell in her eyes that is was not human. After going back to my apartment I started reading the bilbe to her, verses fron psalms, Itthe deamon demanded that i will repay for this. (I have videos if her becoming a deamon) There on my cell phone and yes you hear me scared shitless. TO make a long story shirt, does anyone have information about Penn Hall, Also I will be typing this story up in a word document in alot alot alot more detailed. Feel free to Email me @ Mra3r28@hotmail.com or call at 267 266 6602
my mom took my brother and cousins there, i have yet to go, probably this weekend! :D exciiiteed...but the only problem is if you're 18 and over and the alarm goes off in the main building you could be in serious legal trouble, and there are tunnels underneath the property that are veeeeryyyyy erie!!
*ahem* Allow me to sound completely shallow and ignorant for a moment:
My initial reaction to this was to dance in my seat and repress the whim of shouting: SAFE HOUSE!!! . . . . Too much Left 4 Dead is not a good thing. . . >_>
I agree with jazz master. All stuff in those cool places are likely to disappear. Whether it is because of the elements or by demolishing. I think it IS respectful to take stuff and reuse it again and so keep the memory alive. Or preserve it for futere generations. What I really dislike is graffity which is really disrespectful or just break things because you need to feel tough. And what i really don't understand is how it is possible that at most of those scenes are patient files left behind. That I think is a crime. Such confidential files should be destroyed!!!