Dorm (definitely) 3 beds against each wall cubicle.. the office one can't see is to the right.This was a girls dorm . spent ..Nov.1950- July 1952,back then, you had to pass.what they called STAFF in order to go home..
Children should never have been subjected to this kind of weird place!!
Feb. 01/2010
I lived in KP for about twenty five years. Intrestingly in 1975 when I move there the decay and abandonment were already starting. My friends and I used to explore the brush in that area, sometimes we got thrown out, but mostly they let us be if we weren't drinking or causing trouble.
Kenneth Bond, I am writing a fiction novel on Kings Park set in 1959 and I would love to hear any stories you have to share. I would also love to add pictures as an addition to my novel. If anyone has any information they can share with me please e-mail me at: or if the alternative does not work. If you have information on Kings Park i would love if you could share the information with me, when you are e-mailing me please title it Kings Park, so I do not delete the message.
Thanks so much!
i was exploring the place yesterday. went into a couple buildings then decided to go into 93. once i stepped in i just got a terrible feeling bout it like something didnt want me there and promptly left. the wierd thing about it is months ago when i was there for the first time 93 felt extremely peaceful and serine to me.
I am very interested in talking to anyone with regards to TAs in building 22 around 1982. I was having a relationship with a woman who worked nights there and I used to visit her during her meal breaks around 11 o'clock at night.(At least that's what she told me.) The relationship lasted 16 years and it was absolutely devastating to me. It dawned on me years later that she may have been a patient before she was a TA. I have confirmed her employment but she may have "retired" under allegations of molesting a patient.
Children should never have been subjected to this kind of weird place!!
Feb. 01/2010