5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

Almost looks as if there are lights on in the windows on the left... creepy.
Only the penitent man shall pass...
After the record-breaking snowstorm we got here on LI, I'll bet there's a whole lot of snow there right now instead of ice, lol.
I see it Blink, very nice find.
Sweed, I think you're referring to the smokestacks with smoke coming out of them.
Building 93 rocks. I've never been inside of it but have been upclose and let me tell you it definitely makes you feel kind of small and insignificant. Also the look and feel of its surroundings help add to the ominous feel to the building... it's like no other place on Long Island.
I'm thinking some anticonvulsant/anxiolytic/sedative and antipsychotic meds... barbiturates, benzos, etc.
It's a hatch used to access the main tunnel that ran to the other buildings.
What was down in the hole. Where did it lead? What did you do down there? Spooky!
Everything is getting destroyed in these buildings from time and exposure alone.....not to mention when the buildings are torn down, it will all be thrown away anyway. LIBERATE the ARTIFACTS from this historical site and STEAL ALL YOU WANT! Would you rather they be destroyed or cherished?
I was just in this today and it was amazing...but in terrible shape. You have to know exactly where to get in and how to navigate through the disgusting tunnels and pass the many obstacles to get into this building.
Nice sliding door cabinets.
This is the main supply line between the steam junction (building 6)/power plant and the main line underneath Kings Park Blvd.
G's seeing what he/she wants to see. There's nothing conclusive in the room that could possibly be construed as anything paranormal. If you want to truly find evidence of the paranormal, you have to be extremely skeptical. I'm sure Motts would have marked the pictures if he/she (sorry, I'm now, I'm not sure who you are, Motts!) thought there was anything worth noting. You're not going to see anything conclusive on compressed digital images on your monitor that the original photographer would have missed.
It looks like it says "dad" to me.