5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

smoke a bit more before posting...
I hear ya rich. Then I think to myself, what was the smacktard who broke this thinking?
makes me want to look for the drain, and unplug it.
no cats in these drawers, YEAH!
As newly abandoned as this place is the vandals where quick to move in and wreck shop... so sad. At least there isn't much graffiti or did you have to strugle to keep it out of the shots?
Or cut it down. Prom dresses just don't make themselves ya know!
After reading this, I get the sinking feeling it was/is a suicide note?
1) The door on the left has been recently opened; the paint peels are on the inside of the room...
2) it looks like someone made an attempt to clean the place up or at least sweep, the floor is oddly clean.
Where's a gas mask when you need one????
LMAO !!!
"by the previous post's logic we shouldn't ever discard even old ambulances."

Don't worry, they don't. They just sell them to the state and they give them to us to use. :-(
From the angle, Motts, you look like you are in a "B" sci-fi movie. Rocketman. Nah, I think I like Iron Fist better.
triniphen , That is a C02 extinguisher, not a chemical.
An ex of mine bought an ageing Dodge ambulance (they're very cheap, as no-one wants them) threw in a matress and converted it into an extremely cool camper van. Complete with its original V12 engine of course :D. However it's original purpose remained obvious, and it used to seriously freak some people out. I also knew of a Goth girl who had herself a retired Daimler hearse, sprayed pink, with 'Highway to Hell' stencilled on the back, blacked out rear windows and neon crosses above the windscreen.

OK, so that's probably too much detail about my freaky friends lol! What I guess I'm trying to say I think we should respect the dead and their memory. However that doesn't mean being afraid or creeped out by death (or items associated with dead people). However I see no reason for this type of mindless vandalism, whether in a morgue or anywhere else for that matter. It's pointless and juvenile, and a complete waste of energy...
I would highly doubt anyone died in the morgue. For certain dead bodies were stored there. I am against graffiti myself, but by the previous post's logic we shouldn't ever discard even old ambulances.