70 Comments Posted by ack

I love that they cared enough to paint the boards they put over the windows. I'm always glad to see some kind of covering over the window holes. It helps slow the aging of the inside of the building down a lot.
I wonder if someone who worked there or perhaps even laid the floor down for the first time thought, " you know I bet furns will be growing here 75 years from now."
how strong was the urge to toss a brick?

(For some reason I get upset when someone tosses a brick through a 60 year old pane of glass but a cop car, not so much.)
It's better they kick around in byberry than in some of the other more pristine places motts has taken photos in.
As tags go, this one is one of the better ones. At least he took the time to make it look nice, unlike the 2 billion other chicken -cough- scratch* tags that litter the place. If you are going to tag and I would say taggin the berry is ok at this point, might as well do it with style.
I'll have an asbestos burger, topped with rat turds and pigeon droppings, on yeah and a cold one.
Or the brain surgeon wacking the building with a slege, missed once...
Hell may not have an escape route, but what is more cruel playing with peoples sense of hope or just leaving them to rot. From the Devils stand point you might as well have a pointy stick handy if you are going to put monkeys in a cage.
must be plexiglass...
Its hard to imagine anyone ever walking on it.
what is that hanging from the cieling?
It gets harder and harder to imagine this place ever having any usefulness.
Looks like a miniture set, with a backdrop. Even the trees look kind of fake.
Did they paint the boiler? Or is that nasty stuff not paint but insulation?