5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

once again another vandal fesses up on the very site that the building is posteed on and now is threatening other viewers, I feel that this is completely inapropriate and disrespectful to Mott's site. feds, grow up find another site to hackle people on. Do you know Andrew???
You make us feel good feds, you hone our skill of recognizing a well rounded ass**** when we encounter one. Thank You.
thats not there anymore i took it and sold it for 300 bucks to a historic antiques store. yeh boi
come to the psych center when im there ed and see what happens
i can care less wut u have to say about vandilizing the psych center its not going to be there forever so im living it up and having fun with wut im doing
Cellar Dwellar!!
I am amused Mr. Motts. that you photographed this picture. Patients would quite often sit facing a corner because it helped them feel as though they had some privacy, or in rare cases simply to spite the doctors and guards.
I always hold Mental Hospitals with the up most repsect. seeing as I myself have been relocated to several before finnaly being let out. this picture really speaks to me because of the over head beams. they seem to complex and yet so simple and they apear to accept their solitude. but what i wonder about is the word "Fleigs" on the side of the latter
My lost grandmother died here-I'm just now trying to track her life down-I'd love to hear back from Old Nurse. All these pictures are beautiful but so sad they are breaking my heart.
*Chuckles* Thanks for making me laugh Motts That did the trick. Your caption that is.
There's another page you can get these pictures on for coloring...
Those are the steam tunnel stairs in front of building 93 which would lead you up the bulivard towards town. Thats no moster, but a good place to have an ice cold beer on the clock ^_~
Now that most of this is gone, my sprinkler pipes survived. I helped to modify these my first week on the job, over twenty-two years ago. How time flies eh?
EXACTLY like my roomate's desk area.
Looks like the shower in my dorm...well, the good one anyway.