Most of the Doors to the Med rooms had Split doors to open the top half and keep the bottom half closed while giving out meds. But no one ever did that. I worked in Bld 22 (Admissions) Ward 227 was the worst unit.. It was the One where the prissioners from the jail were kept and Prison staff were kept on unit. Unit 225 Was nicked named "The Zoo" It was patients from Islip east end, huntington, Depending what town you lived in determined what unit you were put on...... Let me tell you this JOB SUCKED!!! We got hazardious duty pay for working in building 22.. Oh and all doors opened with one skeleton key that all staff had on them to get from place to place.
Dang people, there is nothing creepie about Kings park.. I worked there as a nurse the last two years before it closed down. The only thing that was creepie was the staff that worked there that were more messed up then the patients.. There was tons of patient abuse, Nurses giving patients meds that were prescribed for other patients. Blanket partys at night, where staff would cover a patient with a blanket and beat the crap out of them.. This was my first nursing job and all i can say is THANK GOD THEY CLOSED IT DOWN!
i was there a few days ago and the door said evil inside but i thought people were just trying to scare us i didnt no right behind that door was a f*ing mourge!!!
i am definately going to post my pictures. I was in this room and building. we used the maze of tunnels to try to access other building but got lost. These places are so great.
i remember when it was cross country season my coach made the whole team run around the center it was like 5 miles. I drove and walked in and around the place before but now i was really concentrating on the deserted buildings and to think about how, years ago, it was a town itself and now it is just lying there sure seems like a waste. The state or county should make it a museum.
they should tear down every last building... they serve no purpose, except to lure people that have nothing else better to do but to the site to break in. Chances are that comment above in the pic was writen by some idiot who broke into the place. let the poor souls that were there rest.