5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

Sparking imagination is always good
Looks like someone at the lower left squatting to peer in.
The chairs look like they're wrestling.
Lonley and decrepit ths object does lie
I push and I pull and I really do try
exhausted and weary I give up the fight
Is this for soap or is this really for light??
Why 'wisteria'..?
OMG, that's really odd!
Marvelous! What's this?
Maybe it's a light bulb dispenser?
these are all so awesome. i live near kppc so i go as often as i can and i love it, i have yet to get in a good deal of the buildings but i think this summer i will.
also, good news- the company that was going to demolish all of it backed out and now nothing is going to happen to any of the buildings until at least 17 years from now.
Where do you live fedz? I live like 5 mins away from this place.
Ive been in there at night twice, down to go up...
wow....thats very...Sad...poor muffins lol
This Pic very creepy..I wounder what they put the cat in there for...hummmm
mirror mirror on the wall..
this is a beautiful shot!
I'm going to assume you're being facitious, because the other option is that you're being stupid. You do realize that you just said that exploring a building is as bad as vandalizing it, correct? What about photographing it?
Well, I hate to point out the obvious, but you can always "buy" one if you want to "play" with it... I'd be worried about the chemicals you might be inhaling though. I'd imagine they would be reasonably safe, but who knows?