3 Comments Posted by Karin

oh yeah my email is lilsprite_21@yahoo.com
does anyone still frequent this site? i have stumbled upon an old mattern x ray machine...trying to figure out what era this thing is from got the machine, the partition, and the table....i have pictures...i'd like to restore it if possible.
Dang people, there is nothing creepie about Kings park.. I worked there as a nurse the last two years before it closed down. The only thing that was creepie was the staff that worked there that were more messed up then the patients.. There was tons of patient abuse, Nurses giving patients meds that were prescribed for other patients. Blanket partys at night, where staff would cover a patient with a blanket and beat the crap out of them.. This was my first nursing job and all i can say is THANK GOD THEY CLOSED IT DOWN!