As always, I love the compositional elements in this one. The angle is really perfect. Motts, did you by chance go to an art/design school or is this all instictive?
With the damage to the print and the way the light hits it, it almost gives it a sort of 'Through the Looking Glass' effect. Like the kitten is on the opposide side of a mirror, trying to break through...
u lot are carzy bt wicked dude, bt really u have 2 much time with the soap dispenser thing tho lol. Even tho yes there ones like that in my middle school to lol. Its probly cus their cheap as or sumit.
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If you are disgusted by any animal, then stay the hell away from it rather than be an idiot and try to harm it. I'm sure people are disgusted by you and you don't see them trying to kill you and wear you.
I have dreamt of a place for you and I
No one knows who we are there
All I want is to give my life only to you
I've dreamt so long I cannot dream anymore
Let's run away, I'll take you there
I agree with those who said animals can sense their own demise, therefore, they seek a secluded spot. Also, someone may have found the cat freshly dead and placed it in the filing cabinet to protect it from other animals. Just a thought. I do, however, hope nobody intentionally locked it up because that is cruel and what goes around, comes around. We should have respect for ALL living things.
Generally, autopsies are performed if there is a request for one to be done. Also, most psych. wards/hospitals had their own cemetary for unclaimed patients. Nowadays, an unclaimed body ends up in the common grave owned by the county (or sold to a university for med students to practice on, but I didn't tell you that, okay?)