46 Comments Posted by InSearch

We can only imagine how much these opulent coffins/caskets cost back in that time.
Motts, I truly believe your idea of a bar with a morgue ambiance is simply genuis! You should seek the advice of a financial advisor to assist you with that. My financial advisor was fantastic when I pursued owning my own funeral home.
I agree with quest. I'm pretty sure it was mainly for the employees.
Nonetheless, if someone really wants to hurt themselves, they can simply just smash their head into it over and over. Violent patients will do the unthinkable.
It is a blessing to have people like Lynne and others who take extraordinarily good care of patients. However, I feel sad for all the patients (past and present) who aren't so lucky and, unfortunately, end up under the care of sick and perverted employees. One can only imagine the humiliation and helplessness felt by some of these patients.
I've noticed that Motts is very handsome. Not just from this pic, but from others, as well. He is physically good looking and his photographs are very compelling. An interesting individual, indeed.
So these strange set ups were supposed to help the mentally challenged? How!?! This room has insanity written all over it. I really feel bad for the patients who endured life in this strange place.
Maybe someone had a "not so good" camera and had to stack up the tables in order to get a better close up picture of the oculus.
This is a perfect picture!
This is, by far, one of the creepiest shots I've seen.
Scary sh*t. (literally)
If you are disgusted by any animal, then stay the hell away from it rather than be an idiot and try to harm it. I'm sure people are disgusted by you and you don't see them trying to kill you and wear you.
Could be where guards/nurses sat to keep an eye on things.
Good job, Tiffany! It's cool that you found this same exact pic.
I agree with those who said animals can sense their own demise, therefore, they seek a secluded spot. Also, someone may have found the cat freshly dead and placed it in the filing cabinet to protect it from other animals. Just a thought. I do, however, hope nobody intentionally locked it up because that is cruel and what goes around, comes around. We should have respect for ALL living things.