5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

... You could have got 'the cart' like poor little Ricky here.
Jo, remind me not to ever get in your way. =8-o
Amazing, I'd kill to see this mural in full.
there is a un named graveyard for those dearly departed patients. on the grounds of the hospital, it's been there since the early days of the hospital
kp nurse did you attend nursing school at kings park if so what yr did you graduate? My mom went there and she tells me stories all the time and I have alot of memories there , Alot of my family worked there and when I was younger living in KP i can remember the patients getting day passes and coming into town they never bothered anyone , until the NEW people moved in and made a big stink KP was such a nice town with all the old timers in it and the families that have roots there know what I am talking about . I have strong roots in Kp and i wish it was stil the old town
most of my family worked here, my grandparents worked here back in the 40's and lived on the grounds and my grandfather worked in the power house until he retired , I remember seeing this mural when I was a little girl, my mother was a nursing supervisor in this building
This building is supposedly one of the more haunted ones on all of the grounds. Pretty creepy things took place in this building from what I've read and heard, lobotomies, other medical experiments, creepy stuff...
Great Picture, Shows the drearyness of the Assylum, great shot.
I want Motts to take a photo of you, so I can say Who shot JR!

Dear god, don't make it an election, I'll be voted off the island! The Opacity Tribe has spoken!
*rocks out to Van Halen* Might as well Jump!

sorry, that song leapt into my head when when I read Achilles comment (as did the pun).

Felyne, I'd like to elect you as my new partner in crime. x')
Connect Four!
Everyone hide your cameras!
Felyne look!! a cage! there really ARE monkeys in 137! =O

lol I'm playin, everybody. its an inside joke.
this is hella scary!!!