5,961 Comments for Kings Park Psychiatric Center

idk why they never added any gutters or something for the water to drain
it kinda looks like rust
this tv has been ripped apart rectley only thing thats left is the frame sadley
im pretty sure most of these are gone by now lol
yes these windows are totally melted not i saw a pic of a rubber chicken someone put on to it i guess who ever it was set it on fire
I had one of these in my old high school girl's room LOL
It worked too!!

/ me= age 29
It kind of reminds me of a wedding gone wrong.
I'm 13, and in our locker room in school last year was a little port a cabin seperate from the main school building, and near the top of the school grounds.

We had two fire extinghuisers (sp?) in there when we where moved into it about half through the year.

By the end of the second week we'd finished both of them. ^^'
Yes it is, we had to install one in the facility where I work. It isn;t so much feeling like a cage, but now they can't jump....
Wish there were places like this here.
Be so much fun
I can see someone standing up, and turning around, and the door slamming. Creepy! but what an amazing picture!
This is the third page I've seen so far assuming something is a soap dispenser :P
Do I spy shattered glass?
Story after story, room after room of misunderstood people. At one point in time, you could get anyone committed with just a signature. I can almost see the lost and lonely people locked away "for their own good". Tragedy...simply a tragedy...
Waiting for a performance starring the Lobotomy Choir...
Psych beds should have no springs, and the mattresses have to be totally sealed.