wow,this bed looks so uncomfortable to sleep in night after night.
and i too wonder how many people must have slept in that very bed; the open drawer gives it a very sinister
vibe IMO.
i went there last saturday, and me nd my 20 friends got busted by a cop! AND THEN THE COP SHOWED US A TOUR OF THE PLACE!! i swear to God, no bullshit!! oh and we didnt get a fine =)))
It does look small but I do agree that I wouldn't want to be in a large 'room' with a whole bunch of people. The no privacy thing would bother me alot to. All the noise too esp if I wanted to get better. So I agree with poster 'dme'...this would be the better choice of the two. Nice photo Motts.....
Nice photo Motts....I do agree with another poster above. All those bars just don't make it very much like home. Well, it isn't 'home' but I guess it was to all those patients at one time or another. Maybe all some had. Sad but very true. It would be hard to get better when your lock up in your room and you don't even have a nice view. I guess it was for patients that might jump too. I feel for those people. Just be thankful for all that you have right now. Some people don't have anything or anyone.
how adorable... i would hope you were nice to him Motts, considering u intruded upon him :)
Personally, I think racoons are fascinating, they are very smart and have thumbs like humans... I have seen one open a Pepsi can after he and his friends had raided our campsite... btw DW... wouldn't it be interesting if you were reincarnated into a racoons body after u die?? *throws head back and emits an evil laugh*
shame on u guys for not at least considering this story to be true. it sounds pretty authentic to me and just maybe u guys are afraid to actually believe this stuff was happening? read some reports about this place...maybe you'll change your mind