127 Comments for Okaton Ghost Town

These have rims! Some have rubber on them still....Dayum....
Zombie truck....
I love that chevy. The glass looks all intact! Dayum.....
Such a sad waste of fantastic old trucks.
Love this! I bet you could piece together a frankenstein car or truck....
I can almost feel that wind!! Love the perspective here too...
I'm with you there, Motts! I did the same! I'd be a-sceert to just pop my head in the door!
Glad you got this shot though...beautiful mixture of colOr and texture!
Motts if you publish a book, I WILL buy one!!
I think the old cars, smooth metal no paint clean chrome and glass is a very good indicator of the dry climate and wind there. I expect there was some sand or grit in that wind Motts. Did it affect your cameras?
If that black pull-out knob on the far left is for the headlights, someone left the lights on!
I loved the old cars! I think all of us are glad you stopped too! Thanks for the gallery Motts.
That was back when people didn't need 200 electronics in the car with them. It was functional.
Even into the 70's where I lived in Wisconsin, the first three digits did not need to be dialed. Just the last four. Area codes existed but no one needed them.
They sure were built to last back then. Like tanks. How cool to be able to restore one of these.
I learned something new today! Thanks Motts!