127 Comments for Okaton Ghost Town

Way cool!
Thank you for another great set. Love old cars .............and trucks.
1946 Ford.....
2 door hardtop, love those Chevvies.
I see Ford is well represented in the poor abandoned cars and trucks.
totally suitable for racing!! whos up for a spin!?
id live there!
is that a unicorn?
wow soooo cool
NOW - where did all these old trucks come from??
Google Earth has a fair "time slider" - 1991-2011: nothing at all
and then:
2014: all there...The Old Trucks ...very cool Gallery!
FEED STORE....................................................BANK.......of treasures!
What a Gallery! Thank you. It prepares for a lot of thought about the way things turn out.....
Ohhh DEAR..... it WAS someone´s love&pride; at one time ...long ago...and still very handsome.....
Is this TRUE?? REALLY? Would anyone restore this beauty? Is it possible? If SO - people are beautiful & cool, also......- precious line of window..
how can the glass still be intact is mystery too.....
Mr. M. - Thank You So Much - Your pictures are fine & fair - so enjoy. And event.
(Shows up real well Google Earth, also.)
i live in the midwest yuk go East