19 Comments Posted by jean

totally suitable for racing!! whos up for a spin!?
Nicely shot. Looks ready to fall but stays for years.
Obviously the above people do not have any compassion for handicapped people .....I would have expected some sort of feeling for the poor people that suffered while in the care of this place.. Where is your heart..........
This the ugliest atrocity that I have ever seen ....I have a handicapped son and would NEVER in his life or mine subject him to this kind of treatment ....this brought tears to my eyes in feeling the pain of the poor people subjected to this type of treatment.....
Went to nursing school there from 1966-1970. It really wasn't scary then, but I was only 17 years old and pretty fearless. A great education. I knew I never wanted to be a psych nurse because of my psych experiences while in school. (We went o other hospitals for much of our clinical training). A psychiatric diagnosis back then was pretty much a lock the door and throw away the key type of thing. So much wasn't understood. I really think they did the best they could with what was available.
I graduated in 1970 but spent most of my years in the class of 69. I was what they called a "Super Senior" and have my 40 year old son,Douglas, to prove it.
j'ai trouvé ça nul
I had a friend who was committed to dixmont back in 1966. she was only there for a short time. i really dont remember the building that much, but it really had to live up to the specs. this site is great, cause i really love the history of an old building.
My Grandmother was in Dixmont from 1925 until she died in 1984. I hated to go their and I, for one, am glad they are tearing it down. There was nothing pretty about that place. I would see my grandmother come out of a door, while we sat on benches that looked like Dixmont had gotten them from a church. I remember the walls were an off white, When she would come out the door she would sometimes have scratches and cuts from fights she was in. I hated Dixmont and I'm glad they tore it down! To me there is nothing to preserve.
This makes me think of the Secret Garden, the black and white really makes this shot. Wonderful!
i feel like ive been here before...scary to say the least
yea me too....
thats so disturbing, but a great pic motts
all these stories and comments are interesting...i've been there myself, but never inside, i hope to someday before its knocked down or sold
I got freaked out when i saw this, i felt something...weird